About The Allotment Book

The aim of the allotment book is to create a comprehensive collection of resources and information to help anyone growing fruit, vegetables, or herbs at home or on an allotment. It is based on my growing experience gained on my allotment plot over the last 15 years and more.
All the photographs included in the growing guides were taken by me to record the crops I have grown over the years. Whilst this is evidence of success, the truth is that I have learned the hard way with failures and successes, and I am still learning today.
Step By Step Video
YouTube Video
When I started, I quickly discovered that growing fruit, vegetables, and herbs was more difficult than I thought. Whilst my gardening journey has been a wonderful experience, it has at times been challenging and frustrating. By sharing what I have learned along the way, I hope it will help the reader's own efforts be more enjoyable and successful.
The Allotment Book contains the following:
- A comprehensive collection of growing guides
- Free videos that I publish on YouTube
- Free articles and photos in my blog
- A collection of allotment recipes
To get the latest content and growing tips by email, please subscribe to the newsletter.
Support The Allotment Book
All content on the Allotment Book is now freely available with no pay wall or subscription required to view. I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to grow fruit and vegetables for my family on a public allotment.
If you would like to support my work in creating content, please do so in any of the following ways:
- Leaving a comment on any of my videos or posts on social media
It's really motivating to know when content has been helpful, and I try to reply to as many comments as I can. - Using the FREE planning app
The Allotment Book receives a small commission from advertisers when users click on the shopping links contained in the app.
Wishing you every success in your growing adventures.
The easy way for a gardener to organise their growing and discover gardening ideas.