
Parsley contains many vitamins and is easy to grow. The plant is quite hardy, but the leaves on young plants are tastier, and therefore parsley is usually grown as an annual.
- Plant late winter (indoors) or outdoors in spring when the weather warms
- Pick leaves from June onwards
- Picking a few leaves from multiple plants (rather than using one whole plant) will extend the harvest

There are two main types, the more regularly seen curly parsley often used as a garnish, and flat leafed parsley which is easier to clean, less chewy, and has a stronger flavour.
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The parsley plants I have grown have all survived over winter, but by the next spring the plants look big and the leaves unappetising to eat. Therefore I suggest growing the plants as an annual.
Parsley is a relatively small plant and suits being grown in pots. Watering regularly will prevent the leaves becoming chewy. Alternatively, plant alongside other salad crops like lettuce and beetroot in a vegetable bed.