
Turnips are fast growing, contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals, and are relatively easy to grow. Whilst they are not as hardy their close relative swedes, turnips can be lifted and stored for at least two months.
Modern cultivars have improved the flavour of turnips. They can be grated to add flavour to salads, or cooked and added to soups and casseroles.
- Sow outdoors in rows
- Planting depth 1.5 cm or half an inch
- Thin seedlings to 10 cm or 4 inches apart, with rows 30 cm or 12 inches apart
- Harvest approximately 3 months after sowing
- If not eating fresh, lift with the roots intact, twist off the leaves, and store in dry earth or sand
- Turnips need to be harvested before cold weather arrives

The challenge is that not everyone likes the flavour of turnips, but innovation in varieties has helped address this to some degree.
For the purpose of this page, a turnip is defined as:
- White fleshed roots, often with purple and white skin, that grow relatively fast (6-10 weeks), and are not generally frost hardy
Some parts of the UK refer to swedes as turnips, and this is factually correct as swedes are a type of turnip (crossed with a wild cabbage).
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Turnips prefer cooler summers with moisture in the ground, and are best picked young for flavour and texture. The ideal size for picking is about the size of a golf ball, and no bigger than a tennis ball. In hot dry summers, there is tendency for plants to bolt, and if the soil dries out this can make the roots bitter and woody.
When growing turnips, sowing a little seed every few weeks will help give a long harvest season. For flavour and texture, pick the roots before they grow too large. Water regularly to maintain a moist soil and keep the bed weed free.
Like carrots, the tops of turnips are edible, and this is a good way to make use of surplus plants when thinning seedlings. The ideal spacing for plants is about 10 centimetres or 4 inches apart.